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It is intended that the following courses are put on at schools, early years settings and/or Children's Centres for groups of parents. However if you are an interested parent, please do contact me and  we can plan a way of working together!

Course title

 Understanding the Early Years Foundation Stage
 Understanding and supporting your one year old
 Understanding and supporting your two year old
 Understanding and supporting your three year old
 Understanding and supporting your four year old
 Helping your child make the best start in school
 Understanding and managing your child's behaviour
 Supporting your child's reading and writing
 Supporting your child's early Mathematics development
 Supporting your child to be sociable and friendly

In addition, if you have a specific training need not outlined above, I am able to write and deliver training over a wide range of topics in the Early Years. Please contact me to discuss your specific needs.

Children's Centres
Early Years Settings
Local Authorities
Educational Psychology
Group Supervision
Project Management
Contact Me
 Additional Services available

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